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Boerne Scavenger Hunt Fun

Writer's picture: Kassi CagleKassi Cagle

So Saturday my 4 year old and I decided on a date day, we call it going on a Mommy and Tommy adventure! We started at a Rally, stopped by the gun show and drove through Bandera to get to Boerne. I heard about this scavenger hunt the town was doing and wanted to see what it was all about. It looked like fun and a great way to get out of the house. You have a brochure with photos of where you will find a clue. Each photo and clue is numbered. Next to each object when you find it, is a clue card with a word on it. The words come together to form a paragraph. Collect them all and you can enter to win prizes from the city of Boerne and its sponsors.

We started over by the PHP Library. Next to the Library we found 2 clues. My 4 year old instantly wanted to keep finding more clues. We ran into several other families doing the scavenger hunt here and would continue to cross more as the day went on. Most were families with younger kids and everyone mentioned they were glad to be getting out of the house and doing something different. Most were also from around Boerne and the Hill Country and said they had seen things they had never had before even though they live close. I met a family from Johnson City who said there kids could have stayed all day in the Old Jail museum and even though they had been to Boerne many times they didn't know it was there.

Next to the PHP Library is a place called the Bookshop- Friends of the Boerne Public Library. I think we ended up taking home 20 books. Tommy kept finding more and more books for himself, for mommy, for his brother, for his cousins and for $1 or $2 a piece it was hard to say no. I could have stayed in there all day too just looking at everything they had. Most of the books are used and donated. Their mission is to support the Patrick Heath Public Library and promote literacy and the love of reading through community engagement. They even had small gifts, paiting supplies and more. It was such a neat please. They also had a little Free Library on Main street on the corner or Main and Theissen where you can choose a book to take, then you keep it or bring it back for someone else to borrow. You can also bring a book from home to leave for someone else to borrow.

After spending all of our money at the bookshop we headed down the Hill Country Mile. We came across a little traders market with lots of booths, and live music. It was great to see people out and about again. Felt like 2019 and not the times of 2020. We walked around there and grabbed some shaved ice for the rest of our adventure. Several clues in and Tommy kept asking to find more and more. We headed over to the clue by dodging duck and saw hundreds of turtles. It was crazy. They were all right up along the bank. We continued back up main street and Tommy started to show signs of 4 year old exhaustion. He was too tired to even hold my hand and wanted me to carry him. All the while still asking to go find more clues even though he could barely hold his eyes open. After our last clue stop at the Boerne Mural we (mommy) decided to call it a day and we headed back to the truck to go home.

Tommy is still asking to go find more clues so I guess we will have to go back to finish our scavenger hunt. The contest runs through the end of September but if we can't make it back out by then we will still have to go hunt down the places in the pictures for another Mommy and Tommy adventure day.

If you want to check if out for yourself go to

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